Courses Taught

(for a complete list of courses, please see my CV.)

Original Courses

Topics of Insurgency and Indigeneity in Latin America

University of Pennsylvania (spring ‘24)

This class examines 20th and 21st-century Latin American cultural works addressing revolution, insurgency, and cultural emancipation, focusing on indigeneity. We explore indigenista/Indigenous discourses, their interaction with Latin American Marxism and Decolonial Theory, the rise of Indigenous movements, and eco-social activism.

Latin American Literature and Culture I

Trinity College (fall ‘22)

Introductory course in Latin American studies focusing on the examination of literary and visual materials, as well as cinematic representations of the colonial encounter and the establishment of the viceregal states.

Cultural Ecologies: Nature, Coloniality, and Environmentalism

Trinity College (winter ‘23)

This course explores ecological discourses and representations of nature across Latin America introducing theories on environmental humanities. Readings, discussions, and compositions cover concepts such as Colonialism, Capitalism, Extractivism, Environmentalism, and Ecological Identities.

Survey Courses

Color-Lines and Borderlands

Rutgers University (fall ‘19)

This class examine the power of “color-lines” in producing divisions among peoples and individuals as well as explore the possibilities of crossing borders of separation and creating new forms of human connection and community in the 21st century.

Power and Nation-Building in Spanish America

Rutgers University (fall ‘20)

This course offers an in-depth examination of key moments in Latin American literature that illuminate the formation of modern national projects and the power structures that shaped their cultural, economic, gender, and political spheres. The course explores readings and materials from the 16th to the 19th centuries.